Thanks to our funders
The Wild Ingleborough Project has been made possible thanks to the generous contributions from the following organisations, businesses and individuals:
Since 2021, WWF and Aviva have been working together to restore UK landscapes, build healthier more resilient communities and help transform one of the biggest drivers of climate change: the UK finance sector. Aviva are the principal funders of phase 2 of Wild Ingleborough.

Beastmaker (DLC Precision) have contributed towards the development of our montane nursery.
Judith and Robert Bellfield
Natural England’s Ingleborough National Nature Reserve team have provided accommodation, welfare facilities and equipment stores, as well as a significant allocation of full time equivalent staffing costs and volunteer capacity.
The Schofield Family
The Shears Foundation was established in 1994 by Trevor and Lyn Shears. As a long-time supporter and friend of WWF, since 2021 they have provided support to the Experience Wild Ingleborough Access Fund.

The United Bank of Carbon provided support to initiate the Wild Ingleborough project, and provides ongoing support to the monitoring work.